Sunday, March 22, 2009

King Obama

When Obama appeared on the Leno Show, reasonable people (at least those I know) asked, "WHAT is he doing?"

I think I've figured it out. He really wants to be the king, to take on a role similar to that of the Queen of England, beloved of her subjects. Great Britain's form of government is a "constitutional monarchy" with the head of the monarchy (in this case, the queen) representing the country in name only, at lavish events of state, appearing at various functions, and in general, leaving the true governing to the prime minister.

How do I know Obama wants this role? Witness the weekly parties at the White House. Witness Obama's batting about in many, many fun trips across the US, doing this or that for the news media to report and the people to ooh and aah over. His bowling, playing basketball, going to a parent-teacher conference for his girls. Witness his indifferent treatment of England's Prime Minister Gorden Brown, and his subsequent panting over a possible meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. Witness his apparent lack of embarrassment over being deified by the media and his subjects.

And ALL this while our economy is at a "crisis." What is he doing? He's playing around. His behavior would be appropriate had we been in a booming economy with no enemies threatening to wipe us off the map. He doesn't seem to be working at all on the economy. It's been weeks of nothing. Whenever he comes up with something that's supposedly a solution (The American Economic Rescue and Recovery Act) it contains very little focused on solving the economy.

The problem with Obama being the king is that there's no prime minister to take up the governing. So it just doesn't get done. We're in bad trouble.

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