Friday, April 3, 2009

So Tired. . .

On Monday, I hit a wall. I am finding myself unable to even work up a righteous anger at everything that our government is doing. Every day, I read the news, and it's terrible, horrible, and I'm just numb. Friends send me informative emails and I read them and just shrug. I'm not surprised.

Like the last thing I read about. The Obama White House is looking for more Muslim people to work with the White House. When one of the aides says they're doing it quietly, so it won't look like Obama's all that interested in Islam, and when high-up Imams express their interest in taking apart the US from the inside, it's got to be alarming. But I'm not alarmed! I'm just not surprised.

All I can do now is focus on the little I can do: help with the Albuquerque Tea Party on April 15 (it will be on Montgomery in front of Independence Grill, one block west of Louisiana, from 4 to 7); help with the Big Stick Tea Party, which will follow through with our representatives and senators, keep in contact with my friends, and try to teach my students history, the Constitution, and critical thinking.

Other than that, I need to take care of myself and my family. We still don't have water. (Our well's pretty much dried up.) So washing dishes and cleaning clothes has become more burdensome. And I'm concerned about when I start our garden. Will I be able to raise our food if we don't have enough water for the plants? I have been constructing a compost barrel, am about half done with that, so we can have better soil.

Anyway, Monday, I took off work and slept all day. Tuesday, I stayed home, too, and caught up with my homework, baked for my church's bake sale, and made clay "Don't Tread on Me" snakes for the tea party.

I feel better, but I don't seem to feel the anger I have been overdosing on for the last 12 weeks. This may be good. There's only so much of that poison that a body can stand.

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